Zmysły nie mniej od duszy mają do objawienia swe własne tajemnice duchowe.

Oscar Wild

About SISM

SISM  is a non-profit organization officially registered in Poland to promote Ayres Sensory Integration®. 
We intend to help people in Poland to understand what ASI is and what it is not and provide high quality trainings as opposed to many other trainings for therapists that violate Ayres' core defining elements of Sensory Integration intervention (Parham et al., 2007, 2011).


We accomplish the objectives via:

  • Increasing public awareness about original ASI;
  • Providing information to consumers, policy makers, and funding sources;
  • Facilitating networking opportunities across Poland for those interested in Ayres Sensory Integration.
  • Establishing guidelines of practice and ethics for therapists;
  • Cooperating  with the experts from around the world and with other national SI organizations.